Interview Hard Disk Drive

Hard Disk Drive is a heavy metal band from Greece, active since 2010. Lucas Biela (LB) interviewed them for ISKC Radio Group.

1/ LB: Hard Disk Drive released an EP in 2015, and then 5 years elapsed before we heard back from the band. Was lockdown last year, as the single released last year suggests, a trigger to release more material?

It actually was, yes. Since our everyday jobs stopped due to lockdown we had more time than ever to lock ourselves in our studio and write/record new material.
The original plan was to do a studio releases “comeback” so we decide to record the EP “Whispers Over The Sky” in the fall of 2019.
During the mixing process covid happened and that lead us to write and release the single “Lockdown Sorrow” first. In the meantime we seized the oppurtunity and we did all the preproduction work for the full length album “IMMORTAL NIGHTMARES”.
With the second wave of lockdown back in the fall of 2020 we had the time to record and produce the album.

2/ LB: Can you tell us more about Hard Disk Drive, the origin of the name, the influences and how everything came to fruition?

The name story is pretty simple.
In one of our very first rehearsals a friend who was there suggested the name, we liked it and we kept it.
All of us were playing in other bands before, so we met at each other’s gigs. Our influences were very close to one another so combined with great chemistry, HARD DISK DRIVE were formed.
Originally starting as a live cover band, we were playing songs of Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Charon, Paradise Lost and others.
Soon we found the need to create our own material, inspired by all these bands and artists.

3/ LB: Your vocalist has a very expressive and operatic voice, with a vibrato somewhat akin to flamenco, which adds some welcome drama to your music. However, on metal archives, vocals are not mentionned in the credits. Is it a session vocalist, or are vocals share by one of you?

Our vocalist, Dinos, is also our main riff machine.
He is the co-founder of the band alongside drummer Thanos and original bass player Panos.
His vocal style is essential for the band’s identity: “classic heavy metal meets doom and gothic”.
He brings most of the riffs, lyrics and vocal melodies into the band.
Not sure why he is not mentioned on metal archives !

4/ LB: In all honesty, your debut album, released early Oct 2021, is very good. Did you apply to labels (I think of Metal On Metal in particular), or do you want to stay independent?

Thank you very much for your kind words, we really appreciate it.
As of this moment we have zero responses from labels so we decided to release the album on our own. Any offer is welcome !

5/ LB: Did the media enjoy your album as much as I did, or is it too early to say?

The first reactions are very positive and we are really proud.
It was hard to do everything by ourselves but we believed in the material and that made us work harder.
We do hope to reach as many listeners as possible, it won’t be long until our next release !

6/ LB: On a song like “Ebony Sadness”, we can hear some epic doom metal influence (think Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, …): is it a subgenre you want to explore further in the future?

Ebony Sadness felt really natural while composing it. We surely do not want to repeat ourselves, we always try to expand our horizons and bring something different to our compositions.
Having that said, doom influences are part of our sound so if it comes natural, why not?

7/ LB: Is your album available for purchase, material or digital?

The album is availabile for digital purchasing on our bandcamp page.
Right now we do not have any plans for physical copies but we will have merch available soon !

8/ LB: Will you tour to support your debut album?

With the whole pandemic still standing upon us things are fragile for touring acts.
Everyday we read on rock news that bands cancel shows due to memebers having covid etc.
We would love to support the album with live shows but we cannot take the risk, yet.

9/ LB: Anything else you want to add?

Thank you very much for the interview and for enjoying our latest release.

Cheers !

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