Interview Veritas


Veritas is a power/prog metal band active since 2012. Lucas Biela (LB) interviewed them for ISKC Radio Group.


1/ LB: Veritas are new on the metal scene, but your drummer, Mark Zonder, has played on legendary albums by Fates Warning and Warlord. Was the choice of Mark an evidence for you?

GW: We had a drummer before Mark but he left for personal reasons. Our vocalist suggested Mark since he had worked with him on another project and we wanted to begin the recording process without spending a long time looking for a replacement. Luckily for us, Mark agreed to record the drums.


2/ LB: Your music is like the best of Fates Warning’s both worlds (Arch-era and Alder-era).  The impression is reinforced by the presence of Mark Zonder, some very Alder-inspired choruses and the inclusion of a song named Fates Warning. Don’t get me wrong, this is a great album altogether. Was this album nonetheless a means to pay tribute to one of your major influences?

GW: Thanks for the compliments. We didn’t write the music to try and emulate any band in particular. It’s just a sum of our influences coming through. We work on the songs until we are happy with the results and it’s something we would want to hear even if we weren’t in the band.

 3/ LB: Could you tell us more about the background of the members, Mark Zonder aside, and how you met to form Veritas?  

GW: I started looking for band members in 2012 after my previous band called it quits. I first found original drummer Adam Hartley and we started working on the songs I had wriiten. We added Geno Alberico after many auditions. He is the one that suggested Denny Anthony as vocalist and he was added shortly afterwards. Geno and Denny have worked before in a previous project, Hour of Ashes. Denny has been in quite a few other bands/projects including Signs of Reign and Pyramid. I’m the relatively unknown one.


4/ LB: How was the album received by the press and the audience? Do they insist on the Fates Warning similarities, or do they consider the album for what it is, good music performed by good musicians?

GW: The cd has been getting great reviews from press and fans worldwide. At first we got a lot of comparisons to Queensryche, Fates Warning for obvious reasons but they shifted to just talking about the music on its own after a while. That’s a huge compliment and step to be able to have the music stand on its own.

5/ LB: The songs are very groovy and there is a rockier feel in my opinion (well, dirtier, muddier, more down to earth if I can say so) than with Fates Warning. This is a good thing and I think that sets the band apart from its main influence. Do you plan to stay on this line, or do you wish to explore other paths in the future?

GW: We’ve started working on the next cd and the songs so far still have the Veritas sound but are a progression of our writing getting stronger as we get more comfortable with the process.


6/ LB: Could you tell us more about lyrics? I signaled that music is down to earth, so I can only imagine lyrics are also very down to earth!

GW: Denny writes the lyrics so that the listener can decide for themselves what they’re about. There is a meaning to them but it’s up to you what you hear.

7/ LB: I know the sanitary situation is not getting better, but do you plan to tour to promote your album? Will it be limited to the US or are you considering other countries?

GW: We would love to tour and get in front of audiences. Not sure how soon but worst case scenario, we may have 2 cds of music to play. We definitely want to play everywhere we can and want to be involved in some of the great festivals overseas.


 8/ LB: Now that you played with legendary drummer Mark Zonder, do you get calls from other bands to guest on their albums?

GW: Not so far but we’re all focused on Veritas currently and getting the second cd completed.


9/ LB: Please let us know if you want to add anything else

GW: Thanks for taking the time for the interview. Thanks to all the fans, press and publications worldwide that have shown interest and supported the band. We are hard at work on the next cd and can’t wait to get out and meet you on the road. For people new to the band, check us out and keep up to date on what we’re doing at and our site for cds and merch




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